
#WomanCrushWednesday | Tove Styrke

“I think it would make for more interesting stuff getting made and people doing their jobs better if certain areas weren’t almost completely homogeneous.”

Women are killing it in the music industry, and song lovers couldn’t be happier! In our column, #WomenCrushWednesday, each week we’ll feature an awesome lady whose tunes are blowing up our playlists and ask them about their musical journey.

Tove Styrke is featured this week, and if you’ve heard her name before it might have been from one of her famous fans like Lorde, who she went on tour with, or Sam Smith, among others. Originally Swedish, she is now hitting up the American pop scene as she releases her album, Sway. She talks about this project and what’s coming up next for her in what is sure to be a big, bold career.

How did you become interested in music?

I’ve always been singing. As a kid I was obsessed with Whitney Houston and wanted to sing like her, spent hours every day just singing. I still can’t sing those big songs but all those hours still made me, like, at least a decent singer, haha…

You’re Swedish. How’s the music scene there compared to what it’s like in the states?

Hmm I don’t know…everything’s sort of different I guess. But also very much the same. Sweden is so small in comparison. The community is tighter, smaller, it feels like everybody knows everybody. Almost. And a lot of people are good at producing and writing pop.

You got your first record contract when you were in your teens. What was that like and in what ways have you changed as a musician since then?

So much! I feel like I’ve grown so much during these years. I’m much more comfortable with myself, I’ve gained so much confidence since I started. Like, where I’m at now I know I’m good, really good actually. I took a couple of years to get to a place where I can say that and really feel that.

Your fanbase includes a lot of famous folks like Sam Smith, Lena Dunham, and Lorde. How do you feel about all of these other creatives in the industry digging your music?

Haha, it’s so crazy!! Like all these people I admire telling me they love my songs. It’s insane! But it makes me happy.

What has been your experience as a woman in the music industry?

That things are getting better all the time. When I started it was hard to find female musicians, writers, label people to work with. Now it’s almost 50/50. In Sweden at least. I’m just looking forward to when we’ll have a better balance among producers and engineers as well. I think it would make for more interesting stuff getting made and people doing their jobs better if certain areas weren’t almost completely homogeneous which they kinda are now.

This spring, you toured with Lorde around the U.S. What was that experience like?

Seriously, it was one of the best experiences of my life. Ella is the sweetest and such an inspiring person to be around and see perform. I feel like everything about that tour was just amazing, the crew, the audiences, getting to visit all these cities and meet new people. We really felt so at home there and I wish I could have stayed there forever.

You recently released your new album, Sway. Can you tell us a little bit about the writing and recording process for the record?

Sway is like a little collection of love songs really. Some of them are super-romantic and some of them are almost anti-romantic, because life isn’t all just dreamy and sweet you know. I wrote and recorded almost everything in Stockholm. Me and Elof spent forever trying to make it sound perfect and hit you in the heart at the same time. I wanted it to sound simple but interesting. I’m so proud of it.

Are there any favorite tracks for you off the album?

I think “Say My Name” is my favorite production. “On The Low” is probably my favorite song. “Sway” is my favorite vibe.

What’s coming up next for you?

I’m gonna go on tour with Katy Perry in Europe which I’m looking forward to like crazy. And then I’m gonna release more music! I’ve got some really good songs I’m super-eager for people to hear.

Follow Tove Styrke on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Rachel A.G. Gilman is a writer, a radio producer, and probably the girl wearing the Kinks shirt. Visit her website for more.

Have a female or femme-identifying artist we should profile? Send a pitch email to Rachel.

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