Why Daily Burn Is This Mom’s Life Hack To Working Out

Why Daily Burn Is This Mom’s Life Hack To Working Out

There was a time when I used to work out 5 days a week. I did yoga and Pilates at the gym, did a spinning class and ran 2 miles twice a week. I took for granted how easy it was to fit a workout into my schedule and how good it feels. That was then; now I simply don’t have the luxury of time like I used to. On a good day, it takes an hour to get out of the house with the kids and get to the gym, or I have to pay someone to watch the kids. Some of my friends use Peloton, but that’s not for me – I need more variety. I was talking to a friend about how frustrating it is to find time to work out and she suggested I try Daily Burn, a new way to stream online workouts, so I decided to give it a try.

Daily Burn is an online fitness program with a variety of video workouts, including a daily live stream workout available every morning. Classes are available to stream on any device, so you feel like you’re a part of a fitness class with a trainer and can follow along at your own pace. Daily Burn asks you about your skill level and fitness goals, and I chose Beginner and strength training, but they have other options depending on how what you’re looking for. From there, Daily Burn analyzes your fitness goals and preferences and delivers a plan that gives you a realistic path to success. I love this idea because I’m the kind of person who needs that extra push to help me prioritize my physical health and keep me on track.

The first thing I tried was a yoga class. I got myself set up in the living room with my yoga mat and my comfy tights. My kids played in the playroom downstairs while I got my deep stretch on. Cueing up the yoga class and working along with an instructor was so easy. Half an hour of vinyasa flow and I didn’t have to wrangle the kids into the car or pay a sitter to watch them, they only interrupted once. Over time, I’ve learned to get up early, while the kids are still asleep so I can squeeze in a workout before we start our day.

With 1000+ classes and more being added all the time, I’m pretty sure I’ll never get bored with Daily Burn. Classes range from dance, high intensity cardio, audio (when you want to take a class with you on the go), strength training, HIIT, barre, and more. I love that the videos are curated to my goals and are taught by actual certified trainers. In the past, working out at home meant searching for random YouTube segments hoping the class/instructor would be decent.

With Daily Burn, I know I’m getting the best workout at a fraction of the cost of a boutique fitness class and I don’t have to leave my house. At $19.95/month, it’s ridiculously affordable and beats the price of a boutique fitness class and paying for a sitter on top of that. My husband and I have started working out together and tune into the live stream DB365 when we can by just connecting through our Apple TV. The DB365 workouts are curated so that different body parts are engaged everyday. The best part is they’re live, and for some reason I push myself a little more in these classes.

Streaming workouts that are fun and flexible has changed the way I exercise. It’s no longer something I have to think about and plan for. Now, I can do a class without having to coordinate a trip to the gym, and when I do go to the gym, I download an audio class to take with me. It’s been a few months now, and I’m already seeing results. I’ve lost weight, have more energy, and feel healthier all around. For me, Daily Burnis a game changer and there’s no going back.

Limited Time Offer: Daily Burn is currently running a special New Years promotion! Follow this link to sign up for a 30-day free trial PLUS 50% off your second month with Daily Burn!!

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This is a sponsored post on behalf of Daily Burn.

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