Caricature of Tiger Woods
By thongyhod (Shutterstock)
Update 7/15/2021: As predicted, Bishop Larry Gaiters has added another name to the Deep State Democrat’s ledger of violence against Black celebrities. Along with Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant, Gaiters now claims that they targeted Chadwick Bosman.
Though this time he at least changed the script slightly by pointing to an actor rather than another athlete, the government’s dark agenda is always the same: silencing Black conservatives. And what’s so insidious is that they always manage to strike before anyone even knows that the celebrities in question are conservatives.
It’s that nefarious skill that may lead you to doubt that Chadwick Boseman — a vocal critic of Donald Trump — was actually a secret Trump supporter. You may think that a man who, in 2020, pushed for Hollywood to divest from the police, was a closeted conservative. You may even find the suggestion itself vile — an attack on the legacy of a man renowned for his activism and empathy, who would never have supported the notions that Larry Gaiters is posthumously putting in his mouth.
But do you have two mysterious sources inside the federal government, as Larry Gaiters claims to? Because if you did, they would apparently be telling you that Boseman’s tragic death as a result of a protracted battle with colon cancer was actually the result of “thallium arsenic poisoning.”
Never mind that the symptoms don’t really match up. He has sources. So if this all seems like just another level of absurd and disgusting opportunism from Bishop Larry Gaiters, remember…that’s what the Deep State wants you to think.
On February 23rd 2021, golf legend Tiger Woods was driving along a curved, downhill stretch of Hawthorne Boulevard in the wealthy Rolling Hills Estates area of Los Angeles.
Traveling at more than 80 MPH — nearly twice the speed limit — Woods SUV overtook the median, crossed two lanes of opposing traffic and rolled over multiple times before coming to a stop on a grassy slope just off the road. Rescuers at the scene reported that the 82-time PGA tour winner seemed lucid, was able to answer simple questions, and showed no indications of intoxication. It might seem like a simple car crash…but was it really?
Thankfully, Woods survived the incident with just a few broken bones in his legs and has said that his seatbelt and airbag likely saved him and that he’s “lucky to be alive.” But is that a simple acknowledgment of the frightening facts of the crash — the speed he was traveling, the fact that the his car crossed multiple lines and rolled over multiple times — or is he hinting at something more nefarious. Is he “lucky to be alive” because powerful people wanted him dead?
QAnon conspiracy theorist Bishop Larry Gaiters claims that Tiger Woods’ car accident “was an attempted assassination” by the deep state, which wanted to silence him before he exposed the Biden family’s ties … to— Right Wing Watch (@Right Wing Watch) 1623334664
That’s the case that self-proclaimed “biblical John Wick” Bishop Larry Gaiters recently made in a conversation with “Patriot Streetfighter” and recently deplatformed QAnon conspiracist Scott McKay. And it all starts to make sense when you consider the fact that the same rescuers who reported a lucid Tiger Woods answering their questions also said that he reported no memory of the crash or even of driving his car.
And how else do you explain the fact that there were no skid marks leading up to the crash? Why wouldn’t Woods have even hit his breaks?
Could it be that Woods, like millions of drivers before him, dozed off at the wheel? And could it be that he suffered memory loss as a result of being knocked unconcious?
No! The only explanation that makes sense of it all is that Woods was knocked out and placed behind the wheel of his SUV with the intention of sending him crashing to his death. They were counting on his previous DUI to paint the incident as the result of intoxication. And the only reason the failed is that Tiger Woods survived…because his assassin very thoughtfully buckled him in first.
This explanation only gets more plausible when Bishop Larry Gaiters explains who orchestrated this plot and why. It was, of course, the Biden family — who else — and they did it because Tiger Woods was about to hold a press conference to reveal their dirty connections to GameStop, Reddit, and Robinhood… Wait, what?
In another appearance this week, on the Christian conspiracist show Up Front in the Prophetic, Gaiters claimed to have recieved information from “two contacts in the FBI,” indicating that all the personal tragedies in Joe Biden’s life — losing a wife, a son, a daughter — were part of some sort of Satanic sacrifice to fuel Biden’s career. It’s a claim Gaiters has also made regarding basketball legend Scottie Pippen and the death of his son Antron Pippen.
During an appearance on the QAnon program “Up Front In The Prophetic,” Bishop Larry Gaiters declared that the deaths of Joe Biden’s wife and daughter in 1972 and the death of his son Beau in 2015 were a “satanic sacrifice” to help Biden’s political— Right Wing Watch (@Right Wing Watch) 1620670210
At first blush these might seem like an outrageous claim to make, but someone as reputable as Bishop Larry Gaiters — who has collaborated with the prestigious likes of Roseanne Barr and Alex Jones — wouldn’t make this kind of statements without backing them up with some evidence. So how about the fact that — just a few days earlier, Woods had sold his stock in GameStop, Reddit, and Robinhood?
Sorry, that was supposed to read “fact,” because while Bishop Gaiters reports it as an undisputed reality, he doesn’t offer anything to substantiate it. And basic research reveals that Reddit and Robinhood aren’t even publicly traded companies — meaning that the process for buying or selling an ownership stake is substantially more complicated and would be unlikely to take place on the same time scale as offloading some artificially inflated GameStop stonks stock.
Then again, the jumble of seemingly unrelated topics is so strange, it almost makes it seem more credible. If Bishop Larry Gaiters had been trying to make up a weird conspiracy theory, wouldn’t he have chosen elements that made more sense together? Like, Prince Philip was killed off because he was about to reveal the truth about Princess Diana?
Are we to believe that this venerated man, this “Bishop” is merely a far-Right, attention-seeking crank who pulls random buzzwords out of his ass to populate his bizarre conspiracy theories? Pretty much, yeah.
It’s hard to find a lot of information on Gaiters, in part because so much of the media he has participated in has since been removed from major platforms. The most viewed video on his YouTube channel, for example, is an abridged, TOS-compliant version of “The Greatest Global Coverup in Human History.” It’s over an hour long, features such claims as “LSD stands for Lucifer, Satan, Devil” and was made in conjunction with the since-banned conspiracy YouTube channel Edge of Wonder — which has close funding ties to the far-Right Epoch Times and the Falun Gong cult.
Actual images from Larry Gaiters’ Twitter…
What we know for sure is that Gaiters is based in New York City, calls himself a bishop, claims to have an assignment from God to “decapitate the global Baphomet, Luciferian, heptagon deep state.” He also likes to share poorly photoshopped images of himself as John Wick and has his own “media group,” Global Spiritual Revolution — which seems to mainly involve Gaiters going on other people’s podcasts and YouTube shows.
But whether Gaiters is tapping into existing conspiracy theories to spread or is constructing them himself out of whole cloth, they certainly seem to have reach. A recent video from Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan included an attendee at a White Lives Matter rally repeating both the theory that Tiger Woods’s car crash was a failed assassination, as well as the most provocative claim of that “Global Coverup” video — that Kobe Bryant’s tragic death was also an assassination.
In Gaiters’s defense, he provided some flimsy circumstantial evidence to suggest that Bryant was preparing to expose criminal corruption in the pharmaceutical industry — Bryant was in fact in the process of suing a pharmaceutical company for the use of his “Black Mamba” nickname before his death. The rally-goer, on the other hand, just pointed to the worn-to-death meme of “he had dirt on the Clintons.” Which is not to say that Gaiters would disagree…
White Lives Matter
Still, whatever frail credence those little morsels of truth might have lent to Gaiters’s 74-minute presentation on the Kobe Bryant conspiracy theory — let alone the 10-part podcasting epic he produced on the topic with Crowdsource the Truth, less than a month after Bryant’s death — they’re pretty thoroughly undermined when he recycles the same elements for a new story: a superstar “GOAT” athlete, a tragic accident that seems straightforward, and an alleged plan to expose a shady industry with close ties to political power.
Gaiters is clearly trying to recapture the success of his previous conspiracy theory, but he’s getting a little sloppy. Rather than picking out another industry with entrenched lobbying power in Washington — e.g. defense contractors, or the insurance lobby — he seems to have just piggy-backed on one of the top news stories from the time of Woods’s crash. Hence the arbitrary connection of the Biden family’s alleged corruption to a video game store, a popular website, and a stock-trading app…
So, did Joe Biden try to have Tiger Woods assassinated to cover up his family’s connections to GameStop and r/WallStreetBets? Sure, why not? But if Simone Biles stubs her toe next week, don’t be surprised if Bishop Larry Gaiters blames Nancy Pelosi and AMC.