CULTURE Why Do People Hate Awkwafina? Keith Baldwin 20 Apr, 21 The line between cultural appropriation and appreciation is fuzzy, but Awkwafina’s unprecedented success as an Asian-American woman should be celebrated.
CULTURE Late Capitalism Diaries: Comedy Central and Awkwafina's New Marketing is Pure Evil Keith Baldwin 22 Jan, 20 They have found the key to making my morning commute even more unpleasant
Film "Parasite" Needs to Win Best Picture If the Oscars Want to Stay Relevant in 2020 Dan K 13 Jan, 20 Let’s not have a repeat of Green Book.
CULTURE The Farewell's "Foreign Language" Categorization Proves the Golden Globes Are Racist Dan K 06 Jan, 20 The only possible justification for categorizing Inglourious Basterds as “American” and The Farewell as “Foreign Language” is racism.
Film How "The Farewell" Came to Be the Best Movie of 2019 Andie Kanaras 23 Jul, 19 Lulu Wang’s The Farewell encapsulates the absurdity, frustration, warmth, and depth of family dynamics.