It happens so slowly, until one day you realize staying in shape is getting harder and harder. That's just what happens, I suppose, when you hit the big 4-0, which was a few years ago now for me.

The most annoying part isn't feeling older or looking older, it's not being able to be as active as I once was. I was never a gym junkie but my weekly runs followed by push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups in the back garden, while my kids call me superman, is what I miss the most. I still run, but it's much slower. My reps have reduced over time and recovering after a session is taking longer.

I ensured my diet was in tip-top shape, even started taking protein shakes, and made sure I did proper stretches but none of it helped me feel any better throughout the day.

I mentioned it off-hand to my neighbor who recommended I look into Nugenix. Plenty of men our age are taking one of their supplements to boost their testosterone levels, he said.

Supplements are full of questionable ingredients to get bigger muscles and crazy side effects, I thought.

He kept reassuring me Nugenix is totally different and swears their Total-T product has been his secret to success the last few months. David is a couple of years younger than me but the fittest person I know, so of course, I had to check out Nugenix Total-T.

Here's what I found out and the 5 reasons I signed up for the Nugenix subscription;

1. Testosterone Levels Decrease As We Age

That unwanted feeling of slowing down, less drive, and loss of muscle mass happens because of lower testosterone levels as we age. Not because we ain't able for it anymore! Men's testosterone can start depleting from the age of 30 and continues decreasing unless we do something about it.

Nugenix believes that men don't have to accept their lower T. So, they created their unprecedented science-backed formula to safely maximize your free and total T-levels to help you increase muscle mass, and skyrocket your performance.

2. Powerful Ingredients

No steroids, unsafe stimulants, or unnecessary fillers. Nugenix owns the whole process from start to finish and is passionate about ensuring key ingredients are backed by rigorous, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies conducted by medical experts.

All their ingredients and what each one does is clearly labeled:

  • Testofen® is the key natural extract that improves your free and total testosterone, and body composition.
  • ElevATP®," helps you produce more cellular ATP for more strength, power, and performance whatever you do, while significantly enhancing muscle gains from strength training and power output.
  • Boron is a micronutrient to help support healthy free T-levels.
  • Eurycoma longifolia Extract is a key natural ingredient that increases male performance from your workout routine versus baseline.
  • Plus 4 essential vitamins for men; Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc, L-Citrulline Malate

3. Clinical Results

The ingredients in Nugenix's advanced formula perform well in their numerous clinical trials. In one clinical trial, 63% of men reported greater satisfaction with muscle and strength, while 82% felt more energetic overall after consistent use of Total T and training.

4. Samples

Nugenix doesn't expect you to buy their products without knowing if they work for you, they let their customers try out their Total T before committing to the purchase.

So I signed up to receive their 14-day sample for just $4.99 to see if its benefits were really worth the money.

5. Subscription Means You Never Run Out

After two weeks, I knew Total T was a new staple in my daily routine so once my sample was up their subscription kicked in and it is a lifesaver. For $69.99 I get my Total T supplement shipped directly to my door every month. I'm never without it and I don't have to worry about reordering every month.

Plus I can use the $69.99 subscription fee to get my Total T or any of the other amazing testosterone supplements they offer. And I can cancel anytime too.

I never thought I'd be taking a testosterone supplement but with the results, I'm getting from Nugenix, it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. I feel fitter, faster, and years younger.

Get your sample now!