CULTURE Do Harry Potter TV Rumors Contain Hidden Depths? Keith Baldwin 25 Jan, 21 Are the rumors being denied by HBO and Warner Bros. executives actually strategic leaks?
CULTURE The Particular Strangeness of J.K. Rowling's Anti-Trans Agenda Eden Arielle Gordon 28 Aug, 20 Has the world’s most powerful TERF finally murdered her career?
CULTURE It's Harry Potter's 40th Birthday and J.K. Rowling Still Sucks Abby Jones 31 Jul, 20 We can celebrate the Boy Who Lived while still advocating for transgender rights.
CULTURE What Is "The Ickabog" and Why Is J.K. Rowling a TERF? Dan K 26 May, 20 How can we ever take J.K. Rowling’s triumphant stories about good defeating evil seriously again, knowing full-well the hatred she supports?
CULTURE J.K. Rowling Is a TERF (and Hatsune Miku Wrote Harry Potter) Dan K 19 Dec, 19 #IStandWithVoldemort