
Why Does Megan Thee Stallion Keep Facing Racism?

Why Does Megan Thee Stallion Keep Facing Racism?

It’s 2025, which means music from Megan Thee Stallion has been blasting on the radio for nearly a decade. Yet, it still seems as though the “Savage” rapper is facing racism, even if they aren’t blatant attacks.  Back in the day, the slander was partly tied to her extremely suggestive music video for “WAP” with […]

How America Celebrates Black History While Erasing It

How America Celebrates Black History While Erasing It

In February we celebrate Black History Month in America. For the entire month, we commemorate the vast contributions from Black people who have impacted society here and abroad. After all, we are responsible for countless inventions and innovations in art, science, athletics, business, and activism, contributions that often get overlooked because of our country’s pervasive […]