
Donald Trump's Disinfectant Injection—and Other Brilliant Ideas (that Will Kill You)

Really really don't do any of this, or anything else the president tells you to do

Donald Trum

Photo by Evan Al-Amin/ Shutterstock

President Donald Trump made a medical breakthrough on Thursday, during his daily press briefing on the coronavirus pandemic.

Using his tried and true method of blurting out the first dumb idea that popped into his head, he stumbled upon the most dramatic advancement in health science since Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine. No doubt he was searching for new options after a study from the VA seemed to show that hydroxychloroquine—previously his favorite miracle cure—provided little to no benefit to COVID-19 patients. And he found those options in the course of the seemingly aimless rambling that is currently being broadcast on every major network and cable news channel on a daily basis.

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