CULTURE The Peloton Ad Is Actually the Realest Thing on TV Right Now Eden Arielle Gordon 08 Dec, 19 If anything, online fitness “journeys” are even eerier than the Peloton woman’s.
CULTURE Instagram Bans Dieting Products (Thanks, Jameela Jamil) Eden Arielle Gordon 20 Sep, 19 Hopefully this is the start of a much larger movement.
CULTURE What Makes a Troll: Why Stars Like Jesy Nelson Suffer From Social Media Abuse Eden Arielle Gordon 09 Sep, 19 Trolls made Jesy Nelson want to kill herself. Now, she’s confronted her demons—and she’s coming for the Internet’s.
Music Sam Smith Unleashes His Star Power in "How Do You Sleep?" Eden Arielle Gordon 19 Jul, 19 Bye, gender roles!
CULTURE Nike's Plus-Size Mannequin Shows What's Wrong with Body Positivity Meg Hanson 11 Jun, 19 Both fat-shaming internet trolls and those who shame them for their intolerance are falling for the same unhealthy message that body types are objects to be evaluated. If our culture embraced body neutrality, both behaviors would become irrelevant.
CULTURE Body Positivity: Seven Celebrities Who Think You're Hot Just the Way You Are Meg Hanson 08 Apr, 19 Your cellulite is excellent, and these days not even Barbie has a thigh gap.