Whether you are planning a weekend night out or you're working a babysitting gig, there's enough to choose from at the box office.

In Popdust's column, Box Office Breakdown, we aim to inform you of the top flicks to check out every weekend depending on what you're in the mood to enjoy. Looking to laugh? What about having your pants scared off? Maybe you just need a little love? Whatever the case may be, we have you covered. Take a peek at our top picks for this week…


A primatologist and a silverback gorilla have a lot more in common than is normal, or even uncanny. The gorilla and the scientist have been together the monkey's entire life, but when an experiment with CRISPR (a gene-altering science) does not go as planned, the gorilla strays away from his gentle nature. And he is not the only primate of his kind who is going to be trying to destroy anything that comes in his path. The scientist must work with a team of genetic engineers to find the anecdote to the problem, entering in a battlefield and hoping to bring back his friend.

Purchase Tickets for Rampage

PG-13 | Running Time 1hr 55m | New Line Cinema | Director: Brad Peyton

Starring:Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Akerman, and more!


Family drama has never been quite like this. A mentally unstable man goes to therapy seeking out help with his hallucinations. He also casually mentions that his brother is coming to town. Little does the therapist know that the brother of this man is someone she's interested in starting a relationship with. Crossing the lines of what is appropriate and what isn't make for a messy situation as she tries to find a diagnosis for her patient, keep up her her romance, and find the truth in the matter of what is real and what is not. Hopefully, you will not find it relatable.

Purchase Tickets for Aardvark

PG-13 | Running Time 1hr 29m | Before the Door Pictures | Director: Brian Shoaf

Starring:Zachary Quinto, Jenny Slate, Sheila Vand, and more!

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This Haunts Me: What Really Killed Brittany Murphy?

The mysterious circumstances around the Clueless star's death will once again be explored in an upcoming HBO Max documentary.

Brittany Murphy Actress Brittany Murphy arrives to launch the summer sale of the Harrods department store in central London. Murphy's final movie opens in Eugene, Ore.

Matt Dunham/AP/Shutterstock

When a troubled Hollywood star suddenly dies, apparently with a grab bag of pills in her system, there doesn't seem to be much of a mystery.

And that's exactly how it was treated in the press when Clueless and 8 Mile star Brittany Murphy passed away in December of 2009. While the Los Angeles County coroner initially declined to declare drug use as the cause of death, that seemed like the kind of formal omission that might have been made at the behest of loved ones and publicists.

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TV News

Former Fox Employee Sues Showtime Over Roger Ailes Mini-Series

The lawsuit offers salacious details of Ailes' behavior—and the measures Fox News employees took to cover for him.

THR News

via youtube.com

Former Fox News employee Laurie Luhn is seeking $750 million in damages for how she anticipates being portrayed in Showtime's upcoming Roger Ailes mini-series.

The lawsuit, which was filed yesterday in Los Angeles Superior Court by attorney Larry Klayman (and published by Deadline), names as defendants Showtime, Blumhouse Productions, and Gabriel Sherman, whose book the series is based on. Klayman currently also represents Judge Roy Moore in a fraud case stemming from his appearance on Showtime's Sasha Baron Cohen-led series Who Is America?, as well as former sheriff Joe Arpaio in a defamation case against several media outlets.

Luhn worked at Fox News for almost 15 years, beginning at its very inception, and she was both one of Ailes' most valued employees and one of his most frequent victims. Luhn's assumption that the series will portray her as an enabler of Ailes' predatory behavior stems from the fact that it uses Sherman's 2014 book, The Loudest Voice in the Room, and a subsequent 2016 New York magazine article as sources—both of which pulled from 11 hours of audio of an interview with the writer that Luhn alleges she was "cruelly lured into." She also alleges that the article "contains several false, misleading, and defamatory statements and innuendos."

Fearful of how she would be portrayed, Luhn, via Klayman, reached out to production and offered to act as a consultant to ensure the accuracy of her parts of the story. (Luhn will be physically portrayed by Annabelle Wallis.) They say that the defendants "arrogantly refused" all attempts to resolve Luhn's complaints. The lawsuit also claims that Sherman never informed Luhn that her initial interviews may be used in other works and that he used her likeness and story without permission to "line his own pockets."

It is unclear how prominently Luhn will be featured in the series, which stars Russell Crowe as Ailes and Naomi Watts as Gretchen Carlson. Sherman interviewed over 600 people for his book, and the series, according to Showtime, will feature multiple points of view in its telling of the CEO's spectacular ousting from Fox News. Ailes resigned in disgrace amid a litany of sexual harassment accusations in 2016. He died one year later.

While Sherman, Showtime, and Blumhouse are the defendants of the case, Luhn and Klayman also implicate many other notable names. They allege that Ailes enlisted a network of his Fox News employees in his effort to conceal his inappropriate behavior and silence his victims with gaslighting and threats to their professions. Among those they claim to have covered for Ailes were current Fox News COO Suzanne Scott and Bill Shine, his former "top deputy." According to claims in the lawsuit, in 2011 Shine forced Luhn to move out of her Los Angeles home and convinced her she was unsafe (Luhn had a stalker in 2006, and had been forced to move from Washington). Ordering her to move into relative seclusion with her parents in Texas, Shine also made her see a psychiatrist who allegedly manipulated her into believing she was mentally unstable and threatened to admit her to a psychiatric facility. At the same time, rumors about Ailes' behavior were floating around media circles, and it had recently been revealed that he'd told his former employee, Judith Regan, to lie to federal investigators during an unrelated 2006 investigation. Shine's sequestering of Luhn was, according to Luhn and Klayman, an effort to keep Ailes' other misdeeds under wraps. Shine is the current deputy Chief of Staff of the White House communications department.

Then, of course, there are the actions of Ailes himself. The 20-page filing details decades of sexual and psychological abuse at the hands of the extremely powerful political operative and media mogul. Luhn claims that she was often forced to "thank" her employer for promotions by performing oral sex. He made her wear a "uniform" of black stockings and garters and manipulated her into having sex with other women on multiple occasions. He also allegedly bragged about his ability to control her, convinced her that George Soros and Hillary Clinton were trying to kill her, and made her "spy" on other Fox employees and report to him who might not be loyal. He kept illicit photos as blackmail, and in turn he used other employees in his communications department to keep tabs on Luhn.

The large sum in damages sought by Luhn is "to punish and impress upon defendants the seriousness of their conduct and to deter similar conduct in the future." Without seeing a script, it's hard to determine how much merit the suit has. Yet with the revelation of the extent of Ailes' depravity, it's certainly a shame he's no longer around to be named in the case.

Rebecca Linde is a writer and cultural critic in NYC. She tweets about pop culture and television @rklinde.

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