CULTURE Kim Kardashian West, Jay-Z, and the Fight Against America’s Racist Prison Industrial Complex Eden Arielle Gordon 23 Jan, 20 “Prisons do not disappear social problems, they disappear human beings.”
CULTURE Bill Cosby Wants to Talk About Race: He Says His Jury Is a "Set Up" Abby Jones 27 Nov, 19 The convicted sexual assaulter isn’t backing down.
Music Tina Turner Is Still Feeling Herself at 80 Years Old Meg Hanson 26 Nov, 19 “I’m happy to be an 80 year old woman.”
Music Let Leslie Odom Jr.'s Silky Vocals Ease All the Pain In Your Soul Eden Arielle Gordon 10 Nov, 19 The sonic equivalent of a hot toddy on a cold night.
CULTURE Pamela Anderson Doesn't Know What "Cultural Appropriation" Really Means—And Neither Do You Meg Hanson 04 Nov, 19 Offensive celebrity costumes underline the common misconceptions about cultural misappropriation.
CULTURE The Decline of Trump's Twitter Account and Why Chrissy Teigen Is a Threat Meg Hanson 09 Sep, 19 Depressing data shows that Trump is, in fact, getting worse.
Music Ryélle Grapples with Heartbreak in "Last Call" Music Video Alessandra Rincon 20 Jun, 19 The R&B singer struggles with love and lack of closure in her latest music video.
Music Lizzy Land Releases Debut EP, "intro music plays" Matthew Apadula 14 Jun, 19 Land’s new project, featuring the single “Messed Up,” uses a soft, intimate synth-pop to explore anxiety and longing.