Madonna Postpones Tour After Suffering Serious Bacterial Infection (Aug 2018)
Photo by Hahn Lionel/ABACA/Shutterstock
It’s hard to believe, but Madonna is 60 today, August 16.
From “Like a Virgin” to “Like a Prayer” and everything before, after, and in-between, Madonna’s life in the spotlight has been nothing short of spectacular. And at 60, the diva is still doing her thing, morphing from “Material Girl” to mother. Along with her musical contributions that will go down in history as some of the most memorable, Madonna has forever put her stamp on style, showing the world her flair for fashion and cookie-cutter-averse creativity.
From racy to regal, sexy to suited up, “Madge” has made the red carpet her personal runway and every concert her walk-in closet. To celebrate all that is Madonna, in the material sense, Popdust put together Madonna’s Top 10 Looks over the decades. Love them or leave them, these fashion moments are Madonna all the way. And at 60, we don’t expect the legend to let go of her over-the-top ensembles any time soon.
Cone Bra
Making a statement without saying a word, Madonna makes the breast of it by flaunting her femininity with strength and style. Her cone-shaped bustiers and costumes took ‘undergarments as outfits’ to a whole new level, proving cones aren’t just for ice cream.
Let your body move to the music
Sleek and sophisticated, Madonna’s “Vogue” period was all about serious style and “striking a pose.” Perfectly coiffed hair, form-fitting suits, and dance moves that were dangerously diva-esque secured Madonna as the fashion force to forever be reckoned with.
Watch Madonna’s “Vogue” video and strike a pose of your own…
“Don’t just stand there…”
White Lace
Belted with “boy toy,” Madonna’s signature white lace dress with gloves to match had fans following her iconic ’80s style as soon as they could ask mom to take them to the mall. Flirty-meets-fabulous for the look that still makes it to Halloween parties to this day.
Old School
World, meet Madonna. Pre-uber-fame, here’s Madonna in one of the first looks she embraced. Decked out in much of the ’80s’ finest, from studs to stone washed jeans, Madonna ‘s moussed-up hair and metal accessories made the look complete. A tee has never been so basic.
Priceless Pop Pairing
If there’s one person in the world who can upstage the “King of Pop” it is Madonna. Dressed in old-school Hollywood attire, we can tell by the smile on her face that Madonna has never been more excited to hit the red carpet. Were these two really “dating?” We’ll probably never know. But most would agree that this moment was one for the ages.
Material Grill
Her “best” look? Not quite. But a “top” look? How could we leave it off the list? A gal needs her grill if she wants to stay on top of style…right? Cool or creepy…you decide. But Madonna seems to like some bling on her bite. Would four out of five dentists agree?
Totally ’80s
Without Madonna, the ’80s may have turned out completely different. Her unforgettable style was fresh, funky, and fierce, filled with too much of much too much. But tweens, teens, and 20-somethings loved the look and recreated Madonna’s outfits with a passion for fashion. Hairspray filled the air and everyone wanted a deep breath.
Met Gala
Ass-less chaps? Check. Madonna wanted to prove to the world that a decent derrière doesn’t only belong on a 21-year-old. The “Fashion Police” may have issued a warrant, but Madonna was proud to show the Met crowd that she’s still willing to take risks – both wowing and worrying onlookers.
Madonna “justified her love” for the sultry and sensual during her “Justify My Love” period. Platinum blonde hair, bold eyebrows, and an endless ooze of sex appeal made this timeless look one of Madonna’s most magical. “Wanting, needing, waiting…” Madonna made sure we knew she meant business. Justify her love, dammit!
Watch “Justify My Love”
“I want to kiss you in Paris/ I want to hold your hand in Rome”
Like a Prayer
“Life is a mystery,” and so is Madonna. Always revamping her style, be it for a photo shoot or video production, we never know what we’re gonna get. For her “Like a Prayer” music video, not only did Madonna give a noteworthy performance, but her overall look was a complete 180. Controversy surrounded the video, but that’s exactly what Madonna thrives off of. Curls, crosses, and creativity made this look legendary.
Melissa A. Kay is a New York-based writer, editor, and content strategist. Follow her work on Popdust as well as sites including TopDust, Chase Bank, P&G,, The Richest, GearBrain, The Journiest, Bella, TrueSelf, Better Homes & Gardens, AMC Daycare, and more.