Popdust Presents

Kate Odulukwe Is Doing Okay

Bronx based actor and singer, Kate Odulukwe, is an artist to her core.

Her new EP, Melanin and Melancholy, is an exploration and celebration of what it means to be black in America. Before her album, she released a single called “Red Licorice Fade,” a more upbeat and sensual tune that shows off the artist’s many layers.

She stopped by the Popdust offices to talk to Popdust’s own Deascent about the struggles of the music industry, her journey, and her musical inspiration. She also sang “A Hymn For Memory,” live and acoustic, showing off the tender power of her voice.

Popdust Presents | Kate Odulukweyoutu.be

After the interview, Kate was subjected to the chaos of the Magic Box, and handled issues of foreign policy with grace, admitted to wanting to smell like a thrift store, and was pretty sure she was okay.

The Magic Box Interview with Kate Odulukweyoutu.be

For more from Kate, visit her website, Twitter, or Instagram.

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