
Kamala Harris Will Be Joe Biden’s Running Mate

Kamala Harris Will Be Joe Biden’s Running Mate

After months of deliberation, Joe Biden has picked Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate.

Harris became nationally recognized after she surged to prominence in the 2020 Democratic primary season. Notoriously, she called Biden out about racial issues during the first Democratic debate. “There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public school, and she bused to school every day,” she said in a speech that has now become famous. “And that little girl was me.”

55-year-old Harris is currently the only Black woman in the Senate. She served as California’s Attorney General prior to being elected in 2016.

Harris was born in Oakland, California; her father is from Jamaica and her mother from India. She studied at Howard University and then at University of California Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco. She worked as a prosecutor in Alameda County and San Francisco before running for district attorney and then attorney general.

As a Senator, Harris was on the Intelligence Committee which interrogated Trump about Russia, and she also made waves through her interrogations of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Attorney General William Barr and Brett Kavanaugh.

Since her 2020 presidential campaign concluded, Harris has focused on the Senate’s response to the coronavirus crisis, as well as their response to systemic police brutality and racist violence. In the past, Harris worked closely with Joe Biden’s late son, Beau, on challenging big banks in the wake of the housing crisis.

Biden announced the decision via email and text messages to his supporters. “You make a lot of important decisions as president. But the first one is who you select to be your Vice President,” he wrote Tuesday afternoon. “I’ve decided that Kamala Harris is the best person to help me take this fight to Donald Trump and Mike Pence and then to lead this nation starting in January 2021. These aren’t normal times. I need someone working alongside me who is smart, tough, and ready to lead. Kamala is that person.”

If elected, Harris would be the first vice president to be female or a person of color. “I think that she will help bring a strong voice on issues of immigration and racial justice,” said Rep. Ro Khanna, a Fremont Democrat who backed Harris’ opponent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the primaries. “Given her life story, to see someone like her selected … it will be encouraging to so many young people of different backgrounds.”

Harris’s mixed record as a prosecutor and her vacillation on progressive policies like Medicare for All has come under fire from many progressives’ but in this scenario, even the most radical progressives seem to agree that Biden must be elected in order to oust Trump.

Immediate reactions to the Biden-Harris ticket on social media indicated how much supporters were looking forward to seeing Harris face off with Pence during the debates: The match-up seems to be made in meme-heaven.

Perhaps meme culture is the best response to the Biden-Harris ticket, as Democrats must support Biden as the only way to oust Trump–though Biden is far from ideal. “Biden is very problematic in many ways, not only in terms of his past and the role that he played in pushing toward mass incarceration, but he has indicated that he is opposed to disbanding the police, and this is definitely what we need,” said civil rights activist Angela Davis.

Davis continued, “The election will not so much be about who gets to lead the country to a better future, but rather how we can support ourselves and our own ability to continue to organize and place pressure on those in power. And I don’t think there’s a question about which candidate would allow that process to unfold.”

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