
Justin Bieber Teases Hilariously Cringey YouTube Series, “Seasons”

Justin Bieber Teases Hilariously Cringey YouTube Series, “Seasons”

Are you a Justin Bieber fan? Cool! He thinks you’re an easily manipulated idiot.

Today, Justin released the trailer for his upcoming docuseries, Seasons, on his official YouTube account. It’s intimate, emotional, inspiring, and it’s also overt propaganda designed to manufacture relevance and public support for a fading pop star-turned-meme. Every aspect of the trailer wants you to see Bieber as a victim, from the cliché, sad piano underpinning the first 40 seconds to the laughably melodramatic testimonial clips from “concerned” friends and family. It’s unintentionally pretty funny, but also gross.

Bieber Is Back – Justin Bieber:

While no details are given in the video regarding the hardship Bieber has been going through, we do get dramatic shots of him moping in various locations. The classic rule of filmmaking: Show don’t tell. Here we can actually see Justin grappling with his inner turmoil and heroically overcoming his trials and tribulations.

Justin Bieber sad in the desert Justin Bieber searching his basketball shorts for hope, unable to find it under wads of cash.

You can tell he is really sad here, because the footage is in black and white. Plus, he is in the desert, completely alone (with the exception of the massive film crew and catered food outside the shot). Just like Jesus, JB is confronting demons, like how “coffee [used to] come out better.

At one point in the video, JB’s manager, Scooter Braun (the guy Taylor Swift accused of bullying her) literally says: “No one’s ever grown up, in the history of humanity, like Justin Bieber.”

"WHAT?!" gif

I can name a couple, Mr. Braun, and their legacies didn’t age very well.

That’s what pisses me off about Seasons and this ad for it. Bieber and the team behind this project are deliberately attempting to manipulate the audience to feel bad for him as if he has resembled anything close to an underdog since age 13.

“But wait,” you argue, “he isn’t actually hurting anyone or manipulating anyone.” WRONG! This is a PR stunt combined with a promotional campaign for an upcoming album, and its sole purpose is to get public sentiment back on his side, then take your money for that album and all subsequent merchandise and tours. Furthermore, it hurt my brain to watch.

I legit loved the episode of SNL when Justin Bieber hosted. I thought he was great.

I hope I’m wrong and that Seasons is a quality docuseries with heart. Perhaps this trailer was cooked up by YouTube executives or some marketing agency and Justin Bieber is contractually obligated to push such promotional materials on his personal social media accounts. YouTube is paying $2 million per episode (10 episodes total), so I wouldn’t be surprised. Or maybe he likes the video because it shows off some sweet new tattoos. To his credit, it looks very well shot. If the implicit and explicit messaging of the trailer weren’t so intellectually bankrupt, insulting, and self-righteous, I’d be super psyched for this Entourage reboot.

Oh and his upcoming single, “Yummy” just sounds…creepy.

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