
The 5 Cringiest “Star Wars” Moments

The 5 Cringiest “Star Wars” Moments

It’s May 4th, which means Star Wars fans get to go all out today.

While the intergalactic space opera has spawned some of the greatest films, video games, toys, and lore in the sci-fi universe, fans of Star Wars have been forced over the years to balance their love of the series with its countless problematic moments. Whether it be the series’ racial stereotypes or tokenizing of LGBTQ+ characters, there remains plenty to complain about.

But with that said, there are a handful of moments throughout that are just plain uncomfortable. Whether it be Anakin talking about sand or the bizarre act of not giving Chewy a medal, here are the cringiest moments in Star Wars.

Padme and Anakin’s Romance

“My goodness you’ve grown,” Padme tells Anakin in Attack of the Clones. “So have you…grown more beautiful, I mean,” Anakin replies. Whether it be their juvenile flirtations or a full-blown love scene, the dynamic between Padme and Anakin, meant to be passionate and full of zeal, was one of the worst dynamics in Star Wars history.

In Attack of the Clones, Anakin, who is 19 to Padme’s 24, pursues her in a handful of bizarre ways, but the main issue throughout is the couple’s dialogue. Anakin, who as a Jedi is not allowed to love, says that he is with Padme “in agony.”

“I’m haunted by the kiss that you shouldn’t have given me,” he says at one point. “My heart is beating, hoping that that kiss will not become a scar.” The duo then argues later on about who loves the other more, which you can see above. It’s all just super uncomfy.

Luke and Leia Making Out

In a scene that has lived forever in Star Wars infamy, Han and Leia have just finished arguing in the medical center at the peak of The Empire Strikes Back, arguably the best film in the series. Han, being the smug prick he is, insists that Leia would be crushed if he left. Leia rolls her eyes and reminds Han she doesn’t care about him “that way.”

To prove this point, she makes out with Luke in front of Han, with Luke smiling and confidently putting his hands behind his head. For those who saw The Return of the Jedi, we know that Luke and Leia are in fact siblings, making the kiss just plain icky.

Anakin Whining About Sand

In another infamously terrible scene, Anakin is starting to fall for Padme in Attack of the Clones, and when they get some alone time overlooking a romantic Naboo lake retreat, he totally blows it. Padme nostalgically reflects on her childhood and what it was like to grow up in such a beautiful place, to which Anakin brutishly replies: “I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.” He somehow follows that line up with an undeserving kiss.

The Pronunciation of Alderran

Out of the four characters in A New Hope who attempt to pronounce the name of the planet Alderran, every single one of them gets it wrong. Princess Leia repeats the planet’s name as “All-der-on,” while Grand Moff Tarkin gives it a sophisticated twist with “ole-de-ranne,” rolling the last “r.” Obi-Wan and Luke butcher the name, as well. Obi-Wan, moments after seeing Leia pronounce the planet as “All-der-on” via hologram, calls the planet “ole-de-ranne” without the rolled “r.” Luke comes the closest to getting it right, pronouncing it “awl-de-ranne.”

Chewbacca Doesn’t Get a Medal

When Luke destroyed the Death Star, the trio of Han Solo, Luke, and Chewbacca were honored for their service during a celebratory ceremony. As orchestral music swells, Princess Leia places medals around Han and Luke’s necks, but not Chewbacca. Chewy let out a frustrated howl, and the credits rolled.

Omitting Chewy from receiving a medal enraged the Star Wars community, and no explanation has really emerged other than that Wookies don’t care about rewards, which seems half-baked, at best.

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