
Black Caviar Talks Accidental Fame, Magic Tricks, and New Singles

New York musicians Troy Hinson and Jared Piccone were fully ready to quit music.

After spending years trying to break out in the metal and hip-hop scenes, the two musicians called it quits and started on the 9-to-5 grind. “Black Caviar was an accident,” said Hinson. “At some point in your life, you kinda tell yourself you have to be an adult and do adult things. So we did that and that’s what makes it so special is that it was just a real organic project.” The duo’s latest singles “Alright Alright, Okay” and “Zonin,” premiering on Popdust today, are densely layered and hard-hitting as unique amalgamations of Dubstep and Trap. We sat down with the duo to talk about their new singles, their upcoming debut at Mad Decent Block Party, and more.

Tell me about the new tracks. How did they come about?

T: After we connected with G.L.A.M. for “Killa Shit Funk,” we were incredibly anxious to work with her again. The process with her was so natural.

What is it you guys enjoy so much about G.L.A.M.?

T: Her style is super unique. I don’t know anybody else that sounds like her. She was just unbelievable the second she touched the microphone.

Stylistically how are your new songs different from “Killa Shit Funk?”

T: I think they’re all really different. “Zonin'” is really far out there. It’s very trippy.

J: It’s very druggy.

T: Yeah, it’s like stoner house. “Alright” is definitely more pop-based than “Killa Shit Funk.” They’re all really in their own lane.

Is this all part of a bigger project?

J: We are gonna release a couple more singles. Then I think we’re gonna start working on an EP. We’re still in those baby stages, though, so we’ve been throwing out songs. This is the first year we’ve been able to really stockpile songs, so later this year definitely expect something.

You guys are having a killer summer so far. Have you guys ever done a Mad Decent Block Party?

T: Never. We are so excited. This is our first one. This is our first festival circuit.

J: For me, festivals are the most rewarding to play. You run into friends, and it’s always a pretty comfortable experience. It’s really just a celebratory weekend. So we’re mostly just excited.

What’s the meaning behind the name “Black Caviar?”

T: We have a thing going where we’re constantly just thinking of band names. Stay at Home Dad, Obi-Wan Jobi are just a few of the others we came up with. So we just kinda widdled it down.

J: Black Caviar is also the best caviar, but it just has a sexy name. We may end up eventually making up a story about its origin, but at the end of the day we just made it up.

Have you guys thought about changing your name?

T: Well I keep pushing Jared to change it to Stay At Home Dad. I think that’s a better name, but Jared is like. “Fuck you dude, we’re sticking with this.” But if I have my way, it will be Stay At Home Dad.

Anything special about your upcoming shows this summer?

J: We’re working on a magic routine!

T: Jared’s been really into magic, and he recently started taking it seriously, and we were thinking about putting together a comedy magic routine to open up our sets. I also might do some stand-up, and overall we would love to have this act open up for Black Caviar. It’s very much still in the infancy stage, but 2020 is gonna be our year.

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