AOC Is Playing Animal Crossing—and Had the Best Response to a Trump Troll

AOC Is Playing Animal Crossing—and Had the Best Response to a Trump Troll

AOC, champion of the people and my personal president, is now visiting people’s islands on Animal Crossing.

That’s during her spare time when she’s not fighting tooth and nail for her constituents, either by literally delivering food to people in the rain or by being the one sole naysayer to a bill that would pour funds into the hands of businesses while failing to cancel rent that many people simply cannot pay.

“We are abdicating our responsibility. We haven’t legislated for a month and thousands of people are dying…. Every time we pass one of these bills, we are hearing that the real solution is coming in the next bill and the next bill and the next bill,” over the first emergency relief bill. “At some point, we have to raise our hands and say, ‘When is the solution coming?’ Because two months of rent are going to pass by before we are actually entertaining a real bill.”

Still, the fact that she actually was largely responsible for the plan that is probably our best shot at ending climate change (AKA the Green New Deal) and that she’s revolutionizing Congress from the inside out wasn’t enough for some people, who were outraged that she was playing Animal Crossing. One Trump troll responded, “We’re paying you to do this?”

AOC tweeted back, “Curious for your thoughts on Trump’s golf bills.”

Trump’s golf bills have cost taxpayers at least $105 million and could rack up $350 million, according to Forbes. On the other hand, a Nintendo switch will cost about $300 (and that’s just because of Amazon and other sites’ price-gouging, according to Digital Trends.

In her first year of office alone, AOC co-sponsored hundreds of pieces of legislation. In May alone, she’s co-sponsored a bill that grants emergency funds for the homeless, a bill that calls for reviews of COVID-19 hate crimes, a bill that extends the CARES act, and so much more.

She’s also just an expert at engaging with her supporters, and her Animal Crossing endeavors are just proof of that social acumen. AOC showed up at several players’ islands last night, opening her DMs “for the first time since the Zuckerberg hearing” for Dodo codes. Wearing a hand-drawn campaign shirt, she visited various islands and said that her interaction with kind supporters gave her “faith in humanity.”

Animal Crossing has experienced unprecedented popularity since its launch, possibly due to its escapist nature. Some conspiratorial thinkers even believe that coronavirus was manufactured by the creators of Animal Crossing in order to boost sales. We’re not sure about that, but we are always grateful for AOC, who always meets the people exactly where they are.

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