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Eighty Ninety Featured on T-Swift's Playlist

The pop superstar has picked her new big acts to support and these brothers might be her favorite

Thirteen is usually an unlucky number, but not when it comes to anything involving Taylor Swift.

After a long history with the streaming service, Swift and Spotify have rectified, and Taylor has done something that most of us can totally relate to: created a playlist of her favorite songs. The list aptly named "Songs Taylor Loves" includes forty-three tracks, many of them songs from new and emerging artists as Taylor has a history of supporting new musicians long before they garner household name status. Alongside Lady Antebellum and Kendrick Lamar, you might just find your next obsession.

Among this list is a Popdust favorite, Eighty Ninety, with their single "Your Favorite Song," coming in at the oh so sweet spot of #13, which just happens to be Taylor's lucky number. Coincidence? We think not.

The brothers Abner and Harper James make up the musical duo and are getting set to release their sophomore EP, Bowery Beach Road, in the upcoming year. However, they've already made a hefty group of fans. Their debut single "Thirty Three," reached the #2 sport of Spotify's Global Viral Charts, and all together, their music has wracked up more than 18 million listens to date. Their debut "Elizabeth" sure did please, but it seems that what is to come could do even better.

This past fall, Eighty Ninety were featured on Popdust Presents, the guys spoke about their songwriting process and the plans for the upcoming EP, including how they create their layered, electric-pop sounds that bend genres to new dimensions. 1980s musical gear has inspired them in the past, but will they bring in these old school influences on their next release?

Their influences include a lot of songwriter musicians like the Beatles and Tom Petty, mostly from the record collection of their parents, but they found their own favorites like the Wallflowers, Oasis, and The Killers for Abner and more low-fi artists like Pavement and Sparklehorse for Harper. These sounds have all blended together to create their unique sound that came out of a jam session when the brothers were able to reunite after college.

For now, we'll have to embrace this track, just like Taylor has, and feel the good feels of falling in love. It articulates that perfect moment we've all had in young love where everything feels good "until it hurts" as Abner sweetly sings. From drunken kisses to sunny, blue sky days, to the inevitable crushing end when people have to part, the song is a complete emotional roller coaster that you'll want to ride over and over again. It's especially perfect as we near Valentine's Day and look for something perfect to add to our romantic playlists.

Whatever we're about to hear next, it doesn't get much better than Ms. Swift adding your music to her listening routine. Now just wait for the invites to join her squad.

You can watch the video for their special acoustic performance of "Your Favorite Song" below.

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Rachel A.G. Gilman is a writer, a radio producer, and probably the girl wearing the Kinks shirt. Visit her website for more.

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