Fans of television’s arguably oddest late ’80s sitcom, ALF, are about to get that fuzzy feeling all over again.
While most of us grew up with pet dogs or hamsters, the fictional Tanner family had an “Alien Life Form” existing among them. Oh, and he ate cats. Not to mention, his name was actually
Gordon Shumway, in case you forgot…or plan to be a contestant on Jeopardy.
The humorous, albeit unusual being wound up living with the otherwise seemingly-normal family after he crash-landed from the planet “Melmac,” making Earth his new humble abode. Apparently, the Tanners were a welcoming bunch, offering ALF a place to stay, be his arrogantly sarcastic self, and pretty much make their casa his casa.
Fans of all ages were tuning in to see ALF and his antics play out week after week, giving the series a nice
four-year run on NBC from 1986-90. When the show ended, fans of the creature and the comedy were crushed. Fast forward circa now, and like other popular shows making their long-awaited return to TV, ALF is getting a second go-round. ALF junkies are joyful once again!
“The reboot of the series, starring the friendly alien
ALF who lands in the home of a middle-class family, would reportedly focus on ALF returning to Earth, with a new family and characters. Original writers Tom Patchett and Paul Fusco are attached,” sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.”
According to
Variety, “One idea that has reportedly been discussed for the reboot would involve ALF emerging from Area 51–where he has been held captive since the original series finale–and observing how much the world has changed since that time.”
Then again, it’s not like we need a storyline that is sensible. We’re talking about an adorable(ish) ogre from outer space living in suburban America. Rent- and worry-free.
Perhaps it was
ALF‘s recent cameo appearance on an episode of Mr. Robot that started the wheels spinning to give the beloved sitcom a second shot. We could use another family-friendly show that’s entertaining and easy to watch. And just imagine the branding that will bust out once a reboot gets rolling. If you had a stuffed ALF doll or freaky pillowcases adorned with his snout and smile, think of what today’s ALF-inspired gear and goodies will look like. ALF emojis will only be the tip of the iceberg.
Not much more info has been made available regarding the reboot, but
ALF fans are already freaking out. Stay tuned for updated details, and ’till then, go back in time and get caught up with old episodes of the comedy. And check your garage for anything that seems suspicious!
Melissa A. Kay is a New York-based writer, editor, and content strategist. Follow her work on Popdust as well as sites including TopDust, Chase Bank, P&G,, The Richest, GearBrain, The Journiest, Bella, TrueSelf, Better Homes & Gardens, AMC Daycare, and more.
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