Adam Driver in the “Marriage Story” Memes Is Our 2019 Mood

Adam Driver in the “Marriage Story” Memes Is Our 2019 Mood
If you haven’t heard, Marriage Story exists, and the memes are abundant.

After many years lurking in the shadows, tall man Adam Driver seems to be undergoing a transformation from mid-level meme to mainstream meme, and here at Popdust, we’re very happy for him (albeit still half-convinced he’s just a knockoff Keanu Reeves).

Marriage Story has received glowing reviews so far, and has also been excelling in screencap format. Most likely, this is thanks to the strength, notoriety, and expressiveness of its stars. Though most people would struggle to compete with Scarlett Johansson, who is capable of playing a tree, Driver seems to be even more distraught and emotive than our resident foliage impersonator in the film’s seminal fight scene.

One frame in particular has captivated our imaginations:

Yes, it’s a glorious before-and-during image of Adam Driver hitting a wall. It’s the depressing, dramatic, suburban norm-core version of a primal scream, and it’s instantly, beautifully relatable. In 2019, a year of chaos and pent-up energy, I’d imagine most people can relate to this image for one reason or another.

Perhaps 2020 will be better, a decade of change and action. But for now, no one is okay. There are just so many questions. Can we stan ScarJo after her Woody Allen comments? Just how tall is Adam Driver, really? How tall is Adam Driver, spiritually? Do we need another film about white people getting divorced within the confines of a beige room? The climate is changing so why even get married and have children when you’re going to damn them to a future of unbearable suffering?

But we human beings are resilient. Maybe we will institute a Green New Deal and Medicare For All so people can suffer through unbearable marriages on this unbearable yet shockingly magnificent planet in relative peace and harmony.

Regardless, Kylo Ren, we relate.

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