One Woman’s Path To Financial Freedom

One Woman’s Path To Financial Freedom

Having good credit is a vital part of financial health. If your score is not where it needs to be, it can impact your ability to take out a loan, to buy a house, or even your ability to get your dream job. Vicky’s personal struggles were getting in the way of her ability to adequately care for her sick husband. She was constantly struggling to stay above water and not lose her house.

“Tom and I have a wonderful love story. He was the first boy that ever kissed me, and we ended up falling so madly in love! And then Tom got sick and it was just pitiful. He had a stroke. So I finally went to work and it didn’t pay the bills at all. All his medication had to come out of our pocket. He started having seizures and I’d have to come home, and so in 2008 I applied for disability, and it took me five years to get it.”

With nowhere else to turn, a friend told Vicky about It’s a service that evaluates your credit history in order to get your credit score back to where it needs to be. The experts at work on a case-by-case basis to cater to individual needs. They help train you to think about financial health by offering 24/7 credit updates and alerts and working directly with creditors. Many people, like Vicky, find the emotional support invaluable.

“It’s unbelievable to have somebody reach out to you after everything that’s happened, because of I feel more energetic, because I feel better about myself, I feel like I can hold my head up again.”

Vicky explained her situation to Sam, who nominated her to receive one full year of the service free.

“When Sam called me and told me that I was going to receive free service for a whole year from, I didn’t believe him. These kinds of things just don’t happen to me, and they haven’t for a lot of years.” is more than just a service. Having the opportunity to have her credit evaluated so she could afford to care for her husband and stay afloat made Vicky renew her hope. The company is ran by caring individuals that are out to change lives and get you what you deserve. Bad credit can be a burden and prevent you from achieving your goals, financial or personal. With advocates that are passionate about making you succeed, you’ll be well-equipped to get back on track.

Update: The folks at are extending a special offer to our readers! Follow this link, or call the number below for a free credit consultation including your free summary credit report and score!

Call at 844-713-4334 anytime between 7am and 11:59pm EST for a free consultation including your free summary credit report and credit score!

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