
#WomenCrushWednesday | Jocelyn Alice Interview

“It’s unfortunate that sometimes women have to work even harder just because they’re women, but that’s also exactly the reason we’re so strong.”

Women are killing it in the music industry, and the world of song lovers couldn’t be happier! In our column, #WomenCrushWednesday, we’ll feature an awesome lady whose tunes are blowing up our playlists and ask them about their musical journey.

This week, Jocelyn Alice celebrates the release of her latest music video by chatting with us. From the influences of her Canadian background to her days in a duo girl band, Jocelyn has experienced a lot in the music industry. Now, her solo work is leading to even more accomplishments, including more new music heading our way soon. Continue to read about her feelings on the music industry, her passion for girl power, and so much more!

How did you get interested in singing and songwriting?

I always tell the same story when I’m asked this question because It’s such an honor to speak about someone that opened me up to what has become my entire world. My elementary school music teacher is the reason I am doing any of this. As a child that struggled through school, she recognized something in me and offered for me to do the solos in the choir instead of punishing me. I was hooked. But I have to be honest.. It wasn’t until I found songwriting in my first band at the age of 20 that everything clicked. If I didn’t get to sing my own songs I would not be a singer. I will forever write though.

You’re from Canada. Has the music scene there influenced you at all or when you were growing up?

Oh gosh!! Hugely! I am so grateful I came from a place that was filled with so many open minded supporters, a lot of whom still support me today. I was the queen of walking into a restaurant that had never had live music and creating my own night, bringing in the sound and the crowd and just making it work. Music can happen anywhere. Calgary really taught me that.

You used to be part of the pop duo, jocelyn & lisa. How has your solo career differenced from that experience?

So much has changed and so much is the exactly the same. Lisa is still the boss of my band and our dynamic is quite similar to how it was. It is very exciting to be playing bigger shows though, doing interviews and getting to hear our songs on the radio. One of my biggest dreams in life is to see Lisa play on some big ass stages. She is just so captivating to me. To still get to stand beside her through the rollercoaster that has now become my life is one of the biggest reasons I still have my head on straight… most days. hahahaha

Your 2015 song “Jackpot” went platinum and topped numerous music charts. How did you feel about that reaction and has that song changed for you at all overtime?

I think I am still trying to fathom what has happened. Haha. I don’t think any independent artist expects their first solo single to be played on the radio, let alone sell. But the more I mature and grow into myself the more I can see that this does all make sense. I am an insanely focused worker with a ton of vision and a great understanding of who I need to align myself with to bring that all to life. I feel very proud of “Jackpot” and it is still such a pleasure to play live. I’ve probably sang it over 1000 times now and I still get excited every time I hear Hello Moth‘s sick beat.

What’s your experience been as a woman in the music industry?

SHIT! Haha. Just kidding. Kinda. When Lisa and I played in our duo we definitely faced more than we should have sometimes. It’s unfortunate that sometimes women have to work even harder just because they’re women, but that’s also exactly the reason we’re so strong. I am privileged to have a team that doesn’t view me as anything but a human being. I do not have to wear makeup. I do not have to show skin. I do not have to do anything that I don’t want to do. I am so grateful that I waited until I was 30 to really plunge myself into this industry, because I know who I am and what makes me happy and no one and nothing is going to take me away from that.

You recently released the video for the song “I Know.” What do you love about this song?

I love how empowering it is. I love how direct and honest and confident it is. And I really love the vocal, which has taken me many, many years in the booth to finally figure out. To capture something so raw and organic was a real testament to all of the work I have been putting in for a decade and a half as a live artist. I wrote and recorded the song with the producers Mag and Louis Schoorl in the matter of a few hours and I’ll never forget going for beers afterwards and we were all just buzzing. We knew we had done something really special.

What was the processing of shooting the video like?

Shooting that video was one of the greatest moments of my life. Bringing together my baby brother, two best friends, band mate, vocal coach and closest LA homie was beyond fulfilling. I am an incredibly sensitive person and I’ve learned that I need to be really careful about the energies that surround me. Watching it was the first time that I really felt like I saw the real me. I am also SO proud to finally be working alongside the director Emma Higgins. She had a way of guiding my insane visions with such purpose and grace. And getting to watch her work on a set is one of the dopest things I’ve ever seen. I will work with her forever if I can.

I also read that you’ll be releasing your debut EP this year. Can you tell us anything about that?

Oh honey! That shit has been done for forever!!! Hahahahah. I am so beyond happy to have people finally hear it. There is one song in particular that is still my most favourite song I’ve ever had the pleasure of writing and playing live. The thought of it being out in the world is beyond exciting.

What’s coming up for you next?

Oh ya know, just global domination. Haha. I really feel like a lot of things are aligning in my heart and life and I finally feel really ready for everything that this industry brings. But either way, I will always be so grateful to be doing anything music related because, it really is such a miracle to get paid to be creative. I will always work so hard to never take this for granted.

Follow Jocelyn on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Rachel A.G. Gilman is a writer, a radio producer, and probably the girl wearing the Kinks shirt. Visit her website for more.

Have a female or femme-identifying artist we should profile? Send a pitch email to Rachel.

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