
INTERVIEW | Emilie Brandt Releases Her New Single ‘Like I Never Did’

Emilie Brandt is an American Singer, song-writer & performer known for her electro-pop, alt-rock & indie sounds.

The up & coming star has racked up over 20 million plays through through her various EDM collaboration through 2017. We are excited to announce her newest single released today (05/02/2018) called “Like I Never Did.” Popdust got a chance to catch up with her to learn more about her music:

How would you define EDM/Dance Music?

EDM is constantly evolving as a genre, as are the artists in the scene, which makes it a little hard to define. I think EDM is mostly defined by the culture that surrounds it– people coming together to express themselves, have an amazing sensory experience, and feel accepted by the people around them.

When and how did you start your journey in music? Where did your interest in EDM/Dance music come from?

I picked up an acoustic guitar around the age of 15 and taught myself a few chords. Soon after, I started writing my own songs and performing at coffee shops around Milwaukee. I stayed in the acoustic lane for the most part until some opportunities arose from electronic producers looking to collaborate. From that point on I really began to enjoy the electronic vibe. From there, my music evolved pretty seamlessly into what it is now– its definitely come a long way from just my acoustic guitar and I.

What do you love about creating music?

My favorite part about making music is being able to connect with people in a way that I had never been able to before. I’m usually pretty transparent about how I’m feeling but I haven’t always had an outlet to express those feelings. When I found that outlet, I clung to it. I got accepted to a few colleges out of high school but I knew the only thing I was really going to put my heart into was my music, so I still haven’t gone to school. Writing music and being able to share it with people has helped me learn how to better handle my emotional ‘baggage’… feelings are healthy but not when you carry them around and let them weigh on your soul. That shit gets heavy, and writing music is the release.

What inspired you to make Like I Never Did?

LIND is one of the reflection songs of the record, dealing with the aftermath of a failed relationship and realizing that you may have previously taken it for granted. It’s almost begging someone for another chance to prove to them that you can be better this time and that you can truly love them like you never did before. Sometimes it takes the absence of someone to realize how much you took them for granted. If I slowed it down an played it on piano or an acoustic guitar, it would actually be a really sad song. I love writing really sad lyrics and hiding them in a really upbeat track. A lot of my songs are like that.

What do you love most about performing?

I’ve always dealt with anxiety and my friends will sometimes ask me if I ever get nervous before I go on stage– I don’t. I actually feel very at home on stage. I’ve worked so many random jobs that I wasn’t passionate about, countless hours of being miserable trying to make money to put into my music, that by the time I get to be on stage, I’m finally in my happy place where I can do what I love and be appreciated for just being myself.

Where can fans see you perform?

I’ll be playing at the Marquis Theater in Denver on May 19th. Chicago IL, Los Angeles CA, New York NY, and Madison WI dates coming soon. And if you’d like me to come to your city just email me and I will get out there. [email protected]

How would you sum up your music in two words?

real + honest

What feelings do you associate with your music?

Each of my songs is completely different than the next, so naturally each song has a different feeling associated with it. Each one is like my own private journal entry that brings nostalgia reminiscent of however I was feeling when I wrote it. Sometimes I’ll listen to one of my songs and I’ll find a different meaning to it than what I originally intended it to be about. That’s kind of my style of writing– its personal but also general in a sense that others can easily apply it to their own lives.

Where can readers go to find out more about you?

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Spotify

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