If You REALLY Want To Get Fit This New Year, This App Is For You

If You REALLY Want To Get Fit This New Year, This App Is For You

Raise your hand if your New Year’s Resolution is to work out more? Me too. See, the thing is, I actually don’t hate working out once I’m actually doing it.

The hardest part for me is getting to the gym. It’s about a 25 minute drive from my home, so wasting 50 minutes of my day just getting there, not even working out, is daunting. I’m not gonna wake up early enough, and I’m certainly not going to go after a long day of work, so I decided to try some at-home workouts. I bought a couple of workout DVDs, but I found them boring, outdated, and not at all motivating.

I knew I actually stood a chance at keeping my New Years Resolution if I could somehow transform that 50 minute time frame into a workout. After scouring the internet and reading a few workout blogs, I found Aaptiv. The fitness app helps you maximize your at-home and outdoor workouts by having certified trainers in your ear, motivating you to complete a class.

They offer tons of different workouts – everything from strength training, to elliptical, to indoor and outdoor running, and even yoga and guided meditation (thank goodness – my other resolution is to be less stressed). There are beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes, so there’s something for everyone.

I wasn’t sure that I would be able to motivate myself to complete the classes, but after checking out the Aaptiv site and reviewing some of their workouts, I really loved how fun the playlists were. Plus, all of the Aaptiv trainers are really positive and upbeat, and the workouts are designed to push you harder, right when you might be feeling ready to give up. Annnnd, they even offer a free trial, so I really had nothing to lose (except those holiday lbs!).

I really enjoyed the holiday season and it didn’t stop myself from indulging, so when January rolled around, I felt ready to start my new workout routine. I started off with a beginners’ outdoor running class because it was a mild day. It was just the right amount of challenging without being too hard. Right, when I felt like I wanted to stop, the music got faster, and my trainer, Jamie, was giving me positive reinforcement in my ear.

I finished off my workout with one of the no gym strength training classes. I love that it doesn’t require any equipment, and there are also short videos you can watch if you’re unsure if your form is correct. The whole workout took me 40 minutes – less time than I would spend just getting myself to and from the gym!

For a limited time, Aaptiv is offering their yearly subscription for just $49.99 (normally $99.99). It has completely overhauled my workouts and the app is so easy to use – I love being able to switch up my workouts depending on how I feel, or how much time I have.

Even if I only have 15 minutes to spare, there’s a class to accommodate that. It’s helped me keep up regular workouts, and their yoga and meditation classes have also made relaxing after a stressful day so easy.

So whether you’re new to working out, a total pro, or just don’t have a lot of spare time, Aaptiv is for you. You can literally take the workouts with you anywhere you go. It’s made sticking to my goal a lot more manageable, and I’m already starting to see my body change. Now I can finally say that I actually stuck to a New Years Resolution!

Update: Forget the resolution and start a new lifestyle with Aaptiv. Follow this link to get 50% off your first year!

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