10 Informative Social Media Accounts for White People Who Want to Be Anti-Racist

10 Informative Social Media Accounts for White People Who Want to Be Anti-Racist

Yesterday, Tony McDade was shot in cold blood by a white cop.

On Wednesday, George Floyd was murdered by a policeman.

Last week we lost Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery to police violence.

These racist killings of innocent people—reminiscent of lynchings, indicative of the systems of oppression of people of color and particularly Black people that have only morphed and grown more insidious over the years—have many people feeling motivated to join the ongoing fight against police brutality and racism in America, while others are feeling the call to deepen their involvement and join in protests.

Wherever you are, the best place to start is always with education, and the Internet is full of resources carefully compiled by people trained in anti-oppression, people who are sharing free resources in the hopes that they might help mobilize movements in the fight for justice.

Here are just ten social media accounts to start with. These are only jumping-off points—places to start the journey. White people in particular need to be careful and thoughtful while beginning this work. Please don’t steal these activists’ work or message them asking for help—the Internet has more than enough resources that you can digest on your own without asking for more labor from people of color.

Don’t let this be the end of your advocacy. Don’t let injustice continue to fester while you remain silent. Donate, read, protest if you’re able, and get ready to stand in solidarity for the long haul.

1. Rachel Cargle

Rachel Cargle is an incredible writer and activist whose platform offers a selection of invaluable resources. Her Patreon course, “The Great Unlearn,” is dedicated to sharing information, helping people unlearn systemic racism, and sparking action. Her personal accounts are also full of valuable, carefully crafted guides and actionable steps.

2. We Are Malikah

Malikah is a “global grassroots movement, a network of active and engaged women leaders.”

3. The Equal Justice Initiative

The Equal Justice Initiative works to end racial inequality and mass incarceration. Their Twitter feed is full of informative articles about the history of race and racism and the way it manifests in modern acts of racist violence.

4. Black Visions Collective

Black Visions Collective “believes in a future where all Black people have autonomy, safety is community-led, and we are in right relationship within our ecosystems.” Focusing on systemic transformation through collective power, it’s a Minnesota-based campaign with a global vision for racial justice and for a world where Black lives matter.

5. The Conscious Kid

This account is meant to help parents raise anti-racist children, but let’s face it: We could all use a brush-up on the basic facts, because we were all raised in education systems that prioritized whiteness.

6. @ckyourprivilege

Founded by Myisha T. Hill, @ckyourprivilege offers many resources for anyone interested in dismantling white supremacy and unlearning their complicity in these systems.

7. Austin Channing

The author of “I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness” has an incredibly comprehensive social media and online presence, full of resources and books and web series and based in collaborative learning and collective action.

8. Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ)

SURJ fights for collective liberation. With chapters across the country and an established theory of change, and with an emphasis on creating accountability for white folks, they are a great place to donate to or join.

9. Layla F. Saad

Layla F. Saad is a writer who frequently shares events and observations about allyship and racial justice. The author of White Supremacy and Me and the co-host of the Good Ancestor podcast, her account and work is a no-nonsense direct challenge to white supremacy.

10. Matt McGorry and We Inspire Justice

Actor Matt McGorry’s account is a treasure trove of anti-racist resources (as well as ani fat-phobia, intersectional feminism and more). He’s also the co-founder of We Inspire Justice alongside JLove Calderón, and all are worth following and paying close attention to.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. It’s just a starting point, a place to gather bearings and to develop an understanding of basic rules before plunging into the work of fighting for justice and for human rights, which is really just doing the bare minimum to prevent cold-blooded racist violence. While posting and reading on social media is more important, it’s much more valuable to protest, to donate, and to join movements with pre-established visions and commitments to deep work. It’s up to each of us to fight this f*cked up racist policing system.

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