Tired Of Aimlessly Scrolling On Social Media? Try Readly

Tired Of Aimlessly Scrolling On Social Media? Try Readly

Recently, I’ve found that I’m constantly on social media – day in, day out. Being on my phone is a great way to keep in touch with the rest of the world, but I needed to cut down on the mindless scrolling. If I’m not on Instagram, I’m watching something on Netflix. I wanted to start being more productive with my screen time.

I’ve always said I wanted to read more, and now I feel like I finally have time to sit down and get into it. I was asking a friend for some recommendations on things to read when she recommended an app called Readly.

Readly is an online platform and app that has thousands of different newspaper and magazine titles available, all in one place. Sounded good, but I wasn’t sure if it was for me. I had a few news apps on my phone and didn’t see the point in paying for more.

My friend mentioned that it’s not just news publishers, but many more including big titles like Time Magazine, Good Housekeeping, The Daily Express, and lots of different categories including News & Politics, Fashion & Beauty and Celebrity Entertainment – the list goes on. She said it’s like Spotify for magazines.

Given that I wanted to read more but didn’t know exactly what to look for, Readly could be a good starting point because of its many options. I was sure a service like this with so many reputable publishers would cost a lot, but I decided to look into it.

Turns out that after a 6 week free trial with Readly, it would cost just £7.99 a month. Readly offers 5000 titles, so this is a great deal.

I decided to give it a shot. The process was easy, I just signed up and entered my details and credit card, but I didn’t mind as the subscription is flexible and I can cancel any time.

As soon as I signed up on their website, I was excited to finally be able to browse a large selection of titles. I found myself reading things I didn’t expect to be interested in, like cooking magazines. I was inspired to try some new recipes that I never would have before!

With Readly, I love being on top of all the current affairs and knowing that the news I’m consuming is coming from the most reputable sources in the world (instead of Facebook). Now when I get on Zoom calls, I’m always able to contribute to conversations on what’s happening around the world. And of course, it’s always fun to read anything to do with pop culture.

I love browsing and reading before I go to bed instead of being on social media. Another great thing about Readly is that you can share things with people in your family, all under one subscription, so I’ve been sending my brother a lot of things that he might be interested in, especially the Car & Motor magazines.

My free trial is almost up but I’ll definitely be keeping my subscription. I’m learning so much thanks to Readlyand my access to all these amazing titles. If you’re someone who likes to read magazines, or is just looking to get into reading I’d highly recommend Readly.

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