
The 7 Most Nauseating “Jackass” Stunts Ever Performed

The 7 Most Nauseating “Jackass” Stunts Ever Performed

“A lot of people ask, ‘What will Jackass be like once we’re older?'” Chris Pontius asked in the new trailer for Jackass Forever. “Well, it’ll get more mature.”

The debut trailer for the new film shows that despite aging and sobering up considerably, the Jackass gang of misfits are still up to their mischievous ways. The new trailer showcases, among other things, Johnny Knoxville getting shot out of a rocket and attacked by a bull, Machine Gun Kelly getting slapped into a pool by a massive plastic hand, and Steve-O getting his balls electrically shocked.

The trailer itself has already earned the condemnation of PETA, who called the stunts “violent and vulgar.” “When animals are exploited, harassed, and harmed: That’s cruelty,” PETA President Ingrid Newkirk said in a statement. “Four months before its release, Jackass Forever has already risked normalizing animal exploitation and legitimizing the cruel exhibitors who pimp out animals for productions.”

But the truth of the matter is that the stunts previewed in the trailer seem relatively tame compared to some of Jackass‘s past debauchery. Here are some of the more nauseating stunts from over the years that showcase just how far these boys would go to make the members of PETA and everyone else feel uncomfortable.

The Goldfish

One of the first introductions to Steve-O’s penchant for stomach-churning stunts, the daredevil drinks a goldfish out of a plastic water bottle, and proceeds to puke it back into its fishbowl. With multiple people watching, Steve-O struggles to do the latter and violently gags for a good while before he succeeds in barfing the fish (which survived the ordeal) into his new home. The stunt aired on the second episode ever of the show and still to this day is painfully uncomfortable to watch. It also gave viewers a taste of how far these guys would go to gross us out.

The Off-Road Tattoo

Getting a tattoo in and of itself can be a nauseating experience for some. The grind of the needle, the steady pain as it pierces the skin, the inky blood: The activity is not for the faint of heart or weak-stomached. Now imagine getting a tattoo while off-roading. That’s exactly what Steve-O succumbed to in this legendary stunt. While an inexperienced Henry Rollins rips around an off-road course, Steve-O gets mercilessly drilled into. The result (a bloody, smeared smiley face) is hard to look at in its final form.

The Longest Nail Beer Luge

While this brief 15-second stunt is merely used to introduce Jackass 2.5, it is a vile one at that. Steve-O drinks a Miller beer that slowly gets poured over Shridhar Chillal’s fingernails, who remains the Guinness World Record holder for having the longest nails on one hand. Steve-O can seemingly taste the gritty, nail-y texture, as he squirms and gags his way throughout the entire process. While it’s brief, the idea of it is still absolutely gut-wrenching.

The Poo-Cano

The Poo-Cano seems innocent at first. The camera pans over a detailed model train set and charmingly hand-made surrounding environment. As an upbeat instrumental plays in the background, a light-blue mountaintop comes into view, and it’s soon revealed to be Dave England’s buttcheeks. The mountain then becomes a volcano, so to speak, as England sprays explosive diarrhea all over the model train set.

The stunt was so grotesque that almost every person on set can be seen gagging or running off-camera to hurl, including a producer and cameraman. Dave England then runs off butt naked to clean his own feces off of himself.


If the “Poo-Cano” was any indication, the most nauseating stunts performed by the Jackass crew are usually handled by Dave England, who somehow gladly performs some of the series’ nastiest gigs. The “Vomelet” stunt starts off innocent enough, with England surrounded by all the ingredients required to craft a good omelet.

Instead of cutting and whisking everything, England merely eats the ingredients, then vomits them back up into a skillet. Once the “Vomelet” is cooked, Steve-O, who often matches England’s penchant for grossness, then volunteers to eat the result. What transpires is enough to make anyone run to the bathroom.

Sweatsuit Cocktail

Most of the series’ nastiest stunts appeared in Jackass 3D, and while many of them involved feces or vomit, the “Sweatsuit Cocktail” was a special brand of nasty. The stunt opens up with a clammy Steve Lacy riding on an elliptical machine in a sweatsuit. As he begins to sweat, the moisture funnels through a cup, and who else but Steve-O drinks from the sweat cup. He pretty much immediately begins to vomit, as does everyone around him.

The Poo-Cocktail Supreme

In another fecal-related stunt that definitely takes the cake as one the grossest Jackass stunts ever, Jackass 3D’s closing number finds Steve-O strapped to a Porta Potty that’s transformed into a carnival ride with two large bungee cords tightly wound to either side. Steve-O is shot up in the air and smashes into the ground with a full 24-hours’ worth of urine, feces, vomit, and other nastiness saturating his body.

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