How HelloFresh Helped Our Family Get Back On Track After Summer

How HelloFresh Helped Our Family Get Back On Track After Summer

As a mum of two, I’ve been swamped all summer long. With all the outdoor activities the kids have been doing and trips we’ve gone on, the family’s eating habits have taken a back seat.

Most nights, I’ve been sticking a pizza in the oven or whipping up a quick pasta and getting takeaway on the nights I’m feeling really lazy. I wanted to get into a routine of making a home-cooked meal every evening, but I didn’t know where to start.

Now that it’s back-to-school season and between work, school, and after school activities, I don’t have a lot of time to shop for ingredients, prepare, and cook a meal every evening. One day my husband suggested we try HelloFresh, saying one of his colleagues highly recommended it.

After talking for a while he convinced me to try it for a week since you can cancel your subscription at any time. You can choose between Meat & Veggie, Veggie, Family, Quick Cook. They do a plan for 2-4 people, 3-5 recipes a week. We went with Meat & Veggie 4 people, 5 nights a week, which ended up costing just £3.25 per meal! Then you get to choose your meals, and the menu changes every week so we’ll always have new things to try.

HelloFresh: UK’s Leading Recipe BoxFresh, Quality Ingredients Meals Start At Just £3.25 Each Try HelloFresh Today!

Our box arrived at our doorstep right on time and I was super excited to test each recipe out.

The ingredients were clearly labelled and all very fresh. I liked that HelloFresh made an effort to be sustainable – even their ice packs are recyclable!

First up was Lamb and Chickpea Stew with Charred Courgettes and Zahtar Ciabatta. When I saw that it only takes 20 minutes to cook I was shocked, but my main concern was whether the kids would like it.

But to my surprise, it was on the table in 20 minutes! And everyone’s plates were clean – even Toby! He’s a fussy eater. HelloFresh was officially kid-approved.

As our week went on, I realised how great HelloFresh is. My favourite meal of the week was the Thai Style Crispy Tofu Red Curry with Charred Pepper and Garlic Rice, but the kids loved the Crispy Skin Chicken Breast with Mushroom Vin Sauce, Roasted Carrots and Roasted Garlic Mash.

Needless to say, we kept our HelloFresh subscription. I am amazed at how much time it saves me – it’s been a life saver. It’s also saved us a lot of money too, considering what we were spending on takeaways over the summer! HelloFresh also has helped us all get back into a healthy routine with our meals again.

HelloFreshmeals are delicious and wholesome, but most of all HelloFresh has given us back some quality family time. We can all sit around the table and catch up on our day together. If you’re looking for a way to cook more home-cooked meals, try HelloFresh.

Update: The folks at HelloFresh are extending a special offer to our readers! Follow this link to get a discount off your first 4 deliveries!

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