How HelloFresh Is Helping Me Cut Costs In 2024

How HelloFresh Is Helping Me Cut Costs In 2024

In 2023 the cost of my groceries shot up again. Even the price of my morning coffee and weekly takeaway skyrocketed. And don’t get me started on my bills.

The new year was starting and I had to find ways to save and plan out a budget. I was spending far too much on food, so finding a solution was my priority.

Most of the ingredients ended up thrown out. Because I’d buy them, then decide I was too tired to cook, or I wouldn’t use them before the “use by” date.

A friend of mine signed up for HelloFresh last year, but I didn’t pay much attention. I assumed a service like this would be beyond my budget and just a total hassle. But recently I was ranting to her about how much I was spending on food and how much goes to waste. So she insisted I try it. Like now.

Turns out, HelloFresh recipes can be ready in only 30 minutes – sometimes faster – and their ingredients come pre-portioned, so there’s basically no prep and zero food waste.

After clicking around the HelloFresh site, I discovered that their plans are completely flexible! I can skip a delivery, pause or opt out whenever I need. So I decided to give HelloFresh a shot since I had nothing to lose.

Here’s how HelloFresh is helping me:

Skip the supermarket & save money

When you look at the recent rising food costs, HelloFresh is more affordable than the supermarket.

Their meals start at only $5.00 per serving, which is much cheaper than takeaway and supermarket meal deals!

Through their direct relationships with suppliers, HelloFresh cuts out the middlemen which keeps costs low and guarantees freshness.

Zero food waste

I always find myself throwing out moldy cheese, and giant jars of outdated mayonnaise or pasta sauce because I never use the full contents before they go-off.

With HelloFresh, you receive the precise amount of every ingredient you need, so there’s zero food waste. What a money saver, and good for the environment too!

Try global cuisines without the price tag

I loved the convenience of takeaway. But honestly, HelloFresh meals are healthier and more delicious. Their weekly rotating menu offers 33+ globally inspired recipes like Caribbean-Spiced Chicken Tacos, Easy Baked Italian Chicken Risoni and Easy Creamy Indian Chicken Curry.

The best part about it is that you get to learn to cook marvelous recipes while trying new cuisines at the same time!

Budget better & save time

With HelloFresh, I know exactly how much I’m spending on dinners each week, so now I never go over my budget.

HelloFresh meals are delicious and so quick to make. I spend far less time on food shopping, prepping and cooking these days. For instance, some HelloFresh meals can be ready in only 15-30 minutes. This allows me to focus more on work, my hobbies and simply relaxing. I’m even thinking about starting a side hustle with all my extra time!

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to cook homemade meals, I’d highly recommend HelloFresh.

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